Pro­duc­tion in Switz­er­land / Swiss made

«Woertz pro­du­ces with high-qua­li­ty equip­ment in Switzerland»

The ver­sa­ti­le mecha­ni­cal equip­ment and pos­si­bi­li­ties at Woertz AG are uni­que. The Woertz com­pa­ny pro­du­ces at two loca­ti­ons in the can­ton of Basellandschaft.

«Woertz flat cable production»

All flat cables and fire safe­ty cables from our ran­ge are pro­du­ced at our loca­ti­on in Mut­tenz. The system com­pri­ses eight auto­no­mously con­trol­led unwin­d­ers for fee­ding the various sin­gle wires. The hea­ted extru­der covers the wires with ther­mo­pla­stic mate­ri­als at a pres­su­re of up to 300 bar. Imme­dia­te­ly after extru­si­on, the cable is coo­led and prin­ted with the pre­scri­bed data. After win­ding, each cable spool is sub­jec­ted to a resi­stance and high vol­ta­ge test. Final­ly, the enti­re pro­duc­tion is mea­su­red opti­cal­ly and the data is saved.

«Pun­ching shop in Muttenz»

The pun­ching machine’s machi­nery inclu­des ten pres­ses. The­se work with dif­fe­rent pun­ching forces from 160 kN to 1000 kN – this cor­re­sponds to around 16 to 100 tons of pres­su­re. All stam­ped parts such as con­nec­ting webs, cont­act blades, fasten­ers, quick-lay­ers, etc. are manu­fac­tu­red in Muttenz.

«Ther­mo­pla­stic mol­ding on the ground floor»

Pla­stic parts made of poly­ami­de 6.6, poly­ami­de 6.6 glass fiber rein­forced, poly­car­bo­na­te and poly­sty­re­ne are manu­fac­tu­red in the ther­mo­pla­stic injec­tion mol­ding shop. The machi­ne park inclu­des eight ther­mo­pla­stic injec­tion mol­ding machi­nes with clam­ping forces from 500 kN to 2200 kN – this cor­re­sponds to a pres­su­re of 50 to 220 tons.

«Ful­ly auto­ma­ted assem­bly of terminals»

The machi­ne park for ful­ly auto­ma­tic assem­bly inclu­des five assem­bly robots. The finis­hed parts are checked during assem­bly and then packed ful­ly automatically.

«Sheet metal pro­ce­s­sing par excellence»

Pro­duc­tion on the latest laser pun­ching machi­nes is ful­ly auto­ma­ted, from the rem­oval of the sheets from the pal­let warehou­se to pal­le­tizati­on and waste sto­rage. It is not enti­re­ly wit­hout manu­al work on the CNC con­trol­led fol­ding machi­nes and the wel­ding systems. The inter­nal pow­der coa­ting system with 200 dif­fe­rent colors allo­ws the pro­ducts to be coa­ted accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. Pre-assem­bled hos­pi­tal or para­pet ducts are manu­fac­tu­red on cus­to­mer request at spe­ci­al­ly equip­ped assem­bly stations.

«Index­ing table machi­nes and rota­ry trans­fer machines»

Semi-finis­hed parts for our own pro­duc­tion and for third par­ties are manu­fac­tu­red in the ful­ly auto­ma­tic machi­ning of pro­fi­le coils or pro­fi­le bars. The cor­re­spon­ding machi­ne park com­pri­ses 11 machi­nes with a capa­ci­ty of 5 to 110 parts per minu­te, depen­ding on the machi­ne, mate­ri­al and design. The metal parts are debur­red and ground in the vibra­to­ry finis­hing machine.


Envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion is a top prio­ri­ty in all are­as of the com­pa­ny. Here is the envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly car wash. Water with an alka­li­ne addi­ti­ve ser­ves as a washing sub­stance. The dir­ty water is repro­ce­s­sed in our own plant. Woertz AG has been actively pur­suing envi­ron­men­tal poli­cy and envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion for many years. Many pro­jects in this area have been imple­men­ted – more are being planned.


Qua­li­ty is our maxim. Regu­lar pro­duct ana­ly­zes, mate­ri­al pro­per­ties, system tests, inco­ming goods inspec­tions, etc. are car­ri­ed out and eva­lua­ted in the labo­ra­to­ry using the latest mea­su­ring and test­ing equip­ment. Our work is aimed at the con­stant impro­ve­ment and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of our qua­li­ty manage­ment system, our pro­ducts and our processes.