Woertz instal­la­ti­on terminals


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Instal­la­ti­on terminals

Instal­la­ti­on ter­mi­nal blocks from Woertz for safe and cost-effec­ti­ve elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on. Our high-qua­li­ty plug-in ter­mi­nal blocks are among the smal­lest on the mar­ket and offer elec­tri­ci­ans a quick and easy way to con­nect sin­gle-wire cop­per con­duc­tors from 0.5 mm² to 2.5 mm². Our lever-type box ter­mi­nals are also available in com­pact ver­si­ons and offer a relia­ble solu­ti­on for a wide ran­ge of cable dia­me­ters. Qua­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty for your elec­tri­cal installation.

Instal­la­ti­on terminals

Ihre Vor­tei­le auf einem Blick

  • Small – Com­pact size for easy instal­la­ti­on and opti­mal space utilization
  • High qua­li­ty – Use of high qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and the careful processing
  • Robust – Rug­ged cons­truc­tion for relia­ble wire con­nec­tions in all conditions
  • Dura­ble – Dura­ble cons­truc­tion for long lasting performance
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal – with com­pe­tent, fast planning

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Box ter­mi­nals and plug-in terminals

Hauptbild - Mischung von Steck- und Dosenklemmen

Small, robust, dura­ble – Take advan­ta­ge of our first-class solu­ti­ons for elec­tri­cal installations

Our instal­la­ti­on clamps not only offer a robust design that ensu­res per­fect con­nec­tion of their wires even under the most adver­se con­di­ti­ons, but also ergo­no­mic hand­ling and clam­ping tech­no­lo­gy that ensu­res opti­mum dura­bi­li­ty. Rely on the qua­li­ty of our instal­la­ti­on clamps and lead your pro­jects to suc­cess with confidence.

For relia­ble and ver­sa­ti­le con­nec­tion of cables and wires, our box ter­mi­nals are the per­fect solu­ti­on. With a wide ran­ge of con­nec­tion opti­ons and a lever mecha­nism that makes instal­la­ti­on effort­less and time-saving, they give you the fle­xi­bi­li­ty you need. Whe­ther you need to con­nect solid or stran­ded con­duc­tors with dif­fe­rent cross-sec­tions, our box ter­mi­nals are the right choice.

With their high qua­li­ty and func­tion­a­li­ty, our plug-in ter­mi­nal blocks offer an easy way to con­nect solid cop­per con­duc­tors of dif­fe­rent cross-sec­tions. With con­ve­ni­ent test slots and a wide ran­ge of colors, our plug-in ter­mi­nal blocks are not only func­tion­al but also aes­the­ti­cal­ly pleasing.

Rely on our brand’s expe­ri­ence and exper­ti­se to take your elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­ons to a new pro­fes­sio­nal level. Learn more about our lumi­n­aire ter­mi­nal blocks, recep­ta­cle ter­mi­nal blocks and plug-in ter­mi­nal blocks on our web­site and dis­co­ver the wide ran­ge of opti­ons we offer. With Woertz, you have the per­fect fasten­ers for every elec­tri­cal application.


A safe result in just one move­ment: Our inno­va­ti­ve lever clamps allow effort­less and tool-free con­nec­tion even of fle­xi­ble wires. No more tedious fiddling with addi­tio­nal tools – sim­ply ope­ra­te the lever and the clamp fixes the wire secu­re­ly and relia­bly. This smart solu­ti­on saves time, ner­ves and ensu­res a per­ma­nent con­nec­tion. Elec­tri­ci­ans can rely on an uncom­pli­ca­ted and effi­ci­ent way of working.

Relia­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance in per­fec­tion. With their robust cont­act ele­ments, they gua­ran­tee a secu­re and sta­ble con­nec­tion, even with soft wires. Thanks to the intui­ti­ve lever mecha­nism, they are easy to hand­le, both when con­nec­ting and dis­con­nec­ting. Rely on the qua­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy of Woertz clamps to per­form your elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­ons pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and reliably.


The cont­act ele­ments of the instal­la­ti­on ter­mi­nal blocks are extre­me­ly robust and thus ensu­re per­fect con­nec­tions of the con­nec­ted wires even under dif­fi­cult conditions.

Lumi­n­aire terminals

Con­nec­tions wit­hout screws:
Effi­ci­ent lumi­n­aire clamps for easy installation.

Lumi­n­aire clamps from Woertz are a relia­ble and time-saving solu­ti­on for the instal­la­ti­on of lumi­n­aires in various appli­ca­ti­ons. Here are some of the advan­ta­ges at a glance:

  • Screw­less con­nec­tion of solid instal­la­ti­on con­duc­tors and lumi­n­aire sup­p­ly cables
  • Available in various ver­si­ons, inclu­ding 1 + 1 and 1+2
  • Easy instal­la­ti­on thanks to pluggab­le clam­ping points on the instal­la­ti­on and lumi­n­aire side
  • Sui­ta­ble for solid cop­per con­duc­tors from 0.75 to 2.5 mm² with a strip­ping length of 11 mm
  • Rated vol­ta­ge of 450 V and rated cur­rent of 24 A
  • Self-extin­gu­is­hing accor­ding to UL94 V‑2 for increa­sed safety
  • Ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re up to 110 °C for use in various environments

With Woertz lumi­n­aire clamps, you can be sure that your lumi­n­aire instal­la­ti­ons will be quick, easy and safe.


Our instal­la­ti­on clamps assortment 

Our ran­ge inclu­des box ter­mi­nals, plug-in ter­mi­nals and lumi­n­aire terminals.

Can clamps with lever

The box ter­mi­nals are uni­ver­sal­ly appli­ca­ble lever ter­mi­nals for fine-stran­ded, solid and stran­ded con­duc­tors for cross-sec­tions from 0.2 to 4 mm². Due to the trans­pa­rent design, the cor­rect con­duc­tor posi­ti­on is visi­ble and by means of the prac­ti­cal test slot, mea­su­re­ments can be car­ri­ed out in the assem­bled state.

  • Box ter­mi­nal 2‑fold 39000/02  (157801617)
  • Box ter­mi­nal 3‑fold 39000/03  (157801717)
  • Box ter­mi­nal 5‑fold 39000/05  (157801817)
  • Box ter­mi­nal 8‑fold 39000/08  (157801917)

Solid Cu con­duc­tors 0.2 – 2.5 mm²
Mul­ti-stran­ded Cu-con­duc­tor 0.34 – 2.5 mm²
Fine stran­ded Cu-con­duc­tor 0.34 – 2.5 mm²
Strip­ping length 11 mm
Rated vol­ta­ge 450 V
Rated cur­rent 24 A
Ambi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re 85 °C
Self-extin­gu­is­hing accor­ding to UL94 V‑2

Plug-in ter­mi­nals

The plug-in ter­mi­nal is sui­ta­ble for con­nec­ting and bran­ching solid con­duc­tors from 0.5 to 2.5mm². Due to the trans­pa­rent design, the cor­rect con­duc­tor posi­ti­on is visi­ble and by means of the prac­ti­cal test slot, mea­su­re­ments can be car­ri­ed out in the assem­bled state.

  • Plug-in ter­mi­nal 2‑fold 39022/02  (157802217)
  • Plug-in ter­mi­nal 3‑fold 39022/03  (157802317)
  • Plug-in ter­mi­nal 4‑fold 39022/04  (157802417)
  • Plug-in ter­mi­nal 5‑fold 39022/05  (157802517)
  • Plug-in ter­mi­nal 8‑fold 39022/08  (157802817)

Solid Cu con­duc­tors 0.5 – 2.5 mm²
Strip­ping length m11 mm
Rated vol­ta­ge 450 V
Rated cur­rent 24 A
Ambi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re 60 °C
Self-extin­gu­is­hing accor­ding to UL94 V‑2

Lumi­n­aire terminals

A lumi­n­aire ter­mi­nal is used for screw­less con­nec­tion of solid instal­la­ti­on con­duc­tors from 0.75 to 2.5mm² with lumi­n­aire sup­p­ly con­duc­tors from 0.5 to 2.5mm² (1 or 2 pluggab­le clam­ping points instal­la­ti­on side, 1 clam­ping point lumi­n­aire side).

  • Lumi­n­aire ter­mi­nal 1 + 1    39030/11  (157800207)
  • Lumi­n­aire ter­mi­nal 1 + 2    39030/12  (157800307)

Solid cop­per con­duc­tors 0.75 – 2.5 mm²
Strip­ping length 11 mm
Rated vol­ta­ge 450 V
Rated cur­rent   24 A
Ambi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re 110 °C
Self-extin­gu­is­hing accor­ding to UL94 V‑2

Woertz AG stands for Quality.  Innovation.  Reliability.