New buil­ding Cam­pus FHNW

Aes­the­tic and fle­xi­ble cable management

Pro­ject Description:

The new cam­pus of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­en­ces Nor­thwe­stern Switz­er­land has beco­me a cor­ner­s­tone in the com­mu­ni­ty land­scape in Mut­tenz. Five uni­ver­si­ties join forces on 12 flo­ors. With an impres­si­ve atri­um to a gran­dio­se pan­o­r­amic view in the lounge on the top flo­or, the new cam­pus offers spec­ta­cu­lar experiences.

As the main sup­plier for the elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on, we are proud to have been invol­ved in this exci­ting pro­ject. Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence, Woertz cable manage­ment systems are not only extre­me­ly fle­xi­ble, but can also be per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted into your envi­ron­ment. A wide ran­ge, with num­e­rous shape and design vari­ants with many con­nec­tion opti­ons, make Woertz systems modern and dura­ble elec­tri­cal installations.

Pro­duct systems used:

Under­flo­or trun­king systems

For clean and easy sup­p­ly of lar­ge are­as with pull boxes and junc­tion boxes. 

Hin­ged cover channels

Para­pet trun­king for cable rou­ting and relia­ble sup­p­ly of con­su­mers with power and data with hin­ged cover for con­ve­ni­ent unplug­ging and plugging.