Woertz E‑Mobility Installation


Pro­duct catalogue

E‑Mobility Instal­la­ti­on

Dis­co­ver the fast, relia­ble and expan­da­ble e‑mobility instal­la­ti­on from Woertz. With our future-pro­of flat cable system and modu­lar design, we offer the hig­hest safe­ty stan­dards and fle­xi­bi­li­ty for your char­ging infrastructure.


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Emo­bi­li­ty with flat cable

The advan­ta­ges

  • Fast – A char­ging sta­ti­on is instal­led in under 15 minutes
  • Future-pro­of – Com­pa­ti­ble with char­ging sta­ti­ons from all manufacturers
  • Relia­ble – System gua­ran­tee, tested system from a sin­gle source
  • Fle­xi­bel – Modu­lar design, easy to expand
  • Safe – Hig­hest safe­ty clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on B2ca s1 d0 a1

Que­sti­ons? We will be hap­py to ans­wer them.

Figu­re: Char­ging sta­ti­on with junc­tion box and power feed on the flat cable

The flat cable system

With the flat cable system, the junc­tion boxes are cont­ac­ted mecha­ni­cal­ly wit­hout any risk of con­fu­si­on and wit­hout cable sepa­ra­ti­on on the flat cable to pro­vi­de insu­la­ti­on pene­tra­ti­on. This means that the­re are no seri­al cont­act points and addi­tio­nal tran­si­ti­on resi­stances in the cur­rent flow. This eli­mi­na­tes the need for time-con­sum­ing cable cut­ting and allo­ws a junc­tion box to be instal­led in just a few minutes.

Modu­lar design

Char­ging sta­ti­ons can also be retro­fit­ted at any point along the cable at any time, just as the power feed can be free­ly pla­ced whe­re it makes the most sense.

This means that par­king spaces can be equip­ped with char­ging sta­ti­ons as requi­red and do not have to be ful­ly equip­ped from the outset.


The flat cable for e‑mobility is available in 5x16mm² and 5x25mm². The halo­gen-free 5x16mm² cable can easi­ly be loa­ded with curr­ents of up to 100A for instal­la­ti­on types C and E accor­ding to NIN. And with the very hea­vy-duty 5x25mm² cable, up to 50 smart char­ging sta­ti­ons can be fed in with a sin­gle cable.


The flat cable system meets the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments B2ca s1 d0 a1 accor­ding to the Cons­truc­tion Pro­ducts Regu­la­ti­on, pro­tec­tion class IP65 and is UV resistant.

Sche­ma Elek­tro­mo­bi­li­tät mit Flachkabel

Two in one go!

With our pre-assem­bled junc­tion boxes with two out­go­ing cables, you can install two char­ging sta­ti­ons at once.

This allo­ws you to con­nect two char­ging sta­ti­ons four times faster than with the con­ven­tio­nal round cable method.

Opti­mi­sing the instal­la­ti­on time by 300%!

Fig.: Pre-assem­bled junc­tion box 49616 with two out­go­ing cables

Pro­duct systems for e‑mobility

Vide­os E‑mobility

Pho­tos E‑Mobility

FAQ – Fre­quent­ly asked questions

With the paten­ted Woertz Pier­cing cont­act, a poin­ted screw or kni­fe pene­tra­tes the insu­la­ti­on of the flat cable and enters the cable strand. This pro­cess pushes the stran­ded wires apart. The indi­vi­du­al wires are in cont­act with the screw or bla­de sur­face over a lar­ge area, but the stran­ded wire is not cut through like with con­ven­tio­nal cont­ac­ting. The stret­ching of the indi­vi­du­al wires crea­tes a cont­act pres­su­re that favours cur­rent trans­mis­si­on bet­ween the wires and gua­ran­tees low resi­stance values. Fle­xi­ble moun­ting opti­ons and a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons are the strengths of this type of contacting.

Plug con­nec­tions are addi­tio­nal cont­act points. Cont­act points are always weak points. Redu­cing the­se to the abso­lu­te mini­mum is what sets this system apart. A plug only makes sen­se whe­re the­re are no high char­ging curr­ents and fre­quent unplug­ging and plug­ging in is to be expec­ted. Howe­ver, the out­go­ing cable is nor­mal­ly fit­ted once and does not even need to be repla­ced when the char­ging sta­ti­on is repla­ced. You sim­ply con­nect it to the new char­ging station.

A plug is more than unneces­sa­ry here and brings with it some major dis­ad­van­ta­ges in terms of ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and safe­ty. Espe­ci­al­ly when high char­ging curr­ents are pre­sent, as they are in char­ging infras­truc­tu­re, plug con­nec­tions cau­se addi­tio­nal resi­stance, vol­ta­ge los­ses and sus­cep­ti­bi­li­ty to faults. Addi­tio­nal costs for the plug are inclu­ded in the pri­ce of the cable and the junc­tion box.

Instead, Woertz offers pre-assem­bled junc­tion boxes with out­go­ing cables alre­a­dy fit­ted. This saves instal­la­ti­on time and at the same time ensu­res an opti­mal cur­rent flow wit­hout losses.

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on B2ca inclu­des the pri­ma­ry requi­re­ments of the cable for char­ging stations:

1. the con­tain­ment of the spread of flame
2. the limi­ta­ti­on of fire development
3. the limi­ta­ti­on of the rate of heat release.

Howe­ver, other cri­te­ria are essen­ti­al to pro­tect life and limb. Espe­ci­al­ly in the case of char­ging sta­ti­ons in under­ground gara­ges and par­king gara­ges, the cables must not pose any fur­ther dan­ger in the event of a fire. The­se addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons are indi­ca­ted by the let­ters “s” for smo­ke, “d” for drip­ping and “a” for corrosive.

The addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on s1 d0 a1 is the hig­hest pos­si­ble clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on and includes:

s1: no strong smo­ke development
d0: no bur­ning droplets
a1: no cor­ro­si­ve gas evolution

If no addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is given, the cable does not meet the­se safe­ty requirements.