Hos­pi­tal La Cari­tà in Locarno

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units with inte­gra­ted lighting

Pro­ject Description:

The hos­pi­tal in Locar­no rene­wed 100 hos­pi­tal rooms. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the plan­ning office Tec­no­pro­get­ti and archi­tect Arnabol­di, Woertz deve­lo­ped a new bed chan­nel with a new design. Bed duct for elec­tri­ci­ty, gas and oxy­gen sup­p­ly, indi­rect room light­ing, direct LED light­ing and nur­se call. 

Pro­duct systems used:

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units MVE 4675

For the relia­ble sup­p­ly of ener­gy, data and gases tail­or-made in modu­lar design.