Bear Cave

LED flat cable lights in the bear cave Mon­te Generoso

Pro­ject Description:

In very dir­ty and humid envi­ron­ment, the LED flat cable lights pro­vi­de the illu­mi­na­ti­on of the grot­to and safe wayfinding.

The Bear Cave is a cave loca­ted at about 1,400 meters abo­ve sea level on Mon­te Genero­so. It got its name becau­se of bear bones that were found in the cave. The­se bones come from cave bears that lived in the area thou­sands of years ago. The cave is an important archaeo­lo­gi­cal and pale­on­to­lo­gi­cal site.

The bear cave is open to visi­tors and offers an inte­re­st­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn more about the histo­ry of the regi­on and the wild­life of times past. The­re are gui­ded tours of the cave whe­re you can explo­re the dif­fe­rent sec­tions and learn more about the excava­tions and dis­co­veries. The cave is well lit and safe to enter.

Pro­duct systems used:

Flat cable system IP 3G2.5 mm² and 3G4 mm² (IP66/68)

This system is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its high IP pro­tec­tion level and excep­tio­nal fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of chan­gea­bi­li­ty and expandability.